Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas at Three

Alden is three and he is concerned about all-things Santa.

Last night we were at a holiday party. A fire was burning in a beautiful stone fireplace. Alden gave the fireplace a thorough once over, finally asking a question common to three year olds, "How will Santa get in if there is a fire?" A quick-thinking party-goer pointed out a sizable vent, explaining to Alden that Santa could exit at that point, and avoid the fire all together. Alden found that answer to be satisfactory.

Alden has a lot of questions about Santa-related things. "Why is the North Pole on top and the other pole at the bottom?" "What do the reindeer eat?" "Do elves make all of the toys?" "Will Santa put the bag down the chimney before he comes down?" The questions go on and on and on.

He has also been listening for Santa at night. Every morning he reports the same information. "Mommy, I listened for Santa last night, but I didn't hear him." When I explain that Santa won't come until Christmas, Alden replies, "But Mommy, it is Christmas." To him, Christmas is the entire month of December.

Last weekend, as we were leaving a birthday party, Alden spied a Santa. This particular Santa was headed into another party in the neighborhood. Being the jolly soul that he is, Santa approached Alden and gave him a giant candy cane filled with treats. Santa "ho, ho, hoed" and asked Alden what he wanted for Christmas. Alden was wide-eyed and I wanted to hug that Santa. On the ride home, Alden asked why Santa was driving a truck.

Later that week, when another Santa visited Alden's preschool, Alden asked, "Santa, did you drive your truck today?"

We celebrated Christmas early with Grandma Tewsley, as she is leaving town tomorrow to spend the holidays with other family members. Grandma gave Alden the item from the top of his Christmas wish list, "Thomas at Water Canyon." Because Alden has already reported to three Santas that he wanted "Thomas at Water Canyon" he was worried that he needed to send Santa an update. Tonight he decided that Santa probably already knew and would just bring him extra tracks. Mommy didn't buy any extra tracks. I hope Alden will be satisfied with the other things that Santa is bringing to him.

Alden's fascination with Santa and his love of trains joyously collided when he watched The Polar Express for the first time. That night, he repeatedly shouted from his bed, "The first gift of Christmas."

Alden has also been getting his Christmas groove on. He strolls around the house singing Christmas songs. He doesn't always get the words quite right, but he belts them out with gusto and panache. My personal favorite goes like this..."Down through the chimney when I say NICK!" Repeat line five or ten times.

Tonight as Alden was drifting off to sleep, I heard him mumbling, "Santa will bring me two things, or maybe nine." I am quite certain Santa IS NOT bringing Alden nine things.

Christmas at three is the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So adorable. Since we will be in Rhode Island for Christmas we have had to assure Ben several million times that Santa will know to leave presents for him and his baby brother in Rhode Island, not Ann Arbor. That was fine until he realized Nana in Rhode Island has no fireplace... enter the Santa Key solution... we'll hang a key outside Nana's door on Christmas Eve that will only work with Santa Magic so he can get in the house and leave presents. The creative agility it takes to answer these questions is unbelievable!!! :)